I am finding the difficult thing about keeping a blog is not really finding time or energy to write, but rather deciding what it is I will write about. I hope to make this blog a mixture of event and appearance updates, but also some time for reflection. So, for today - here is a little bit of both ...

On the 12th, I drove to The Little White Dress bridal boutique, for a fitting. I am so excited that I will be part of a fashion show on the 21st - for My Big Day Wedding Planner! Cate has an amazing shop, it's beautiful! I can't wait to update all of you on that event!

On the 13th, I was privileged to judge a "double header" pageant, which included a CO American Coed prelim, as well as "Butterfly Beauties", produced by Valerie Sweely, who does a number of fun-themed pageants throughout the year. I can remember my younger pageantry days, and hearing judges say, "It was such a tough decision!". Now I know they were not just being polite; my goodness, what a great group of gals! It was so fun, and I got to hang out with Mrs. Colorado International 2009, Michelle Field .... as well as visit with the Colorado American Coed Royalty, including Macayla Fletcher, who I've had the honor of coaching this past year.
If you are interested in learning more about the Colorado Coed program, please visit
http://colorado.gocoed.com/ - I know the director personally, and can assure you that this is a great system for starting your daughters in (or yourself - if you're not a mama!).
As I face the privilege of finding ways to work all of the wonderful community involvement into an already busy schedule, I have also committed to enjoying "media free" days. Yep! GASP - I am devoting one day a week to NO COMPUTERS, NO DVDs, NO CELL PHONE (okay, except calls from my hubby and my parents ... and my brother ... but that's just a given ;) ). I am amazed at how this not only frees up my time, but it frees my mind and my stress levels. I encourage you all to try an "unplugged" day - and let me know how it goes!
PS - I need a new camera - sorry for the blurry pictures. You are welcome to donate to my new camera fund ... lol